Hi everyone!!
How long have it been since my last post here, right?! I'm soooo sorry about it! Since I've got here in Japan (about a month already!!), everything it's being like CRAZY! hauahauhaus... so, I have a lot of updates to do with you... I'll try to accomplish this here!
This were one of the first sights that I had of Japan, yet in the plane! The trip was REALLY too long! About 24 hours!!! When I arrived here, I was really tired... and I needed to do a LOT of things, like getting to my dormitory, going to the prefecture to get a registration in Japan, etc...
About the first impressions: Japan REALLY is a beautiful end peaceful place! Everywere you go is very quiet and safe! It's incredible!
My dormitory is in a district of Tokyo called Setagaya... it's a very nice place to live! And I managed already to get some friends in here, from different countries! Everyday I learn new things with them, and the experience as a whole is turning into something very good! =D
The people is very nice, also... everyone treats me very well, don't matter were I go! But, in the other hand, japanese people is very shy and introspective... I didn't get a single chance yet of getting friend to a japanese! It's very hard... maybe I can get that with someone in my laboratory!
My laboratory is in the Komaba Campus of the University of Tokyo, which is really a huge and beautiful university. It have kind of a "Harvard's look", but I think it is very unique! The symbol of the university are the Ginkgo biloba's trees, which can be seen everywere in the different campi, including in this main street of the Komaba Campus, represented in the photograph! Acctualy, by the time that I took that photo, the trees were without most of their leaves... by now they're so much beautiful! Just wait for more photos in a specially dedicated "University of Tokyo" post! ;D
I have already visited some touristic spots of Japan! I'll make a breaf comment about them, ok?!
SHIBUYA (渋谷) is one of the most incredible places of Tokyo! It's like the Paulista Avenue of Sao Paulo, but japanese! xD
Here you can find, possibly, anything... games, vídeos, cellphones, cafés, restaurants, supermarkets, fancy dessert stores, clothe stores, karokes, bingos, etc!
The photograph is of the most famous street cross of Japan, which is in Shibuya... it gets really crowdy the most party of the day!
Basically, everytime we want to have fun, we go to Shibuya!
MEIJIJINGU (明治神宮) is a big shinto shrine that exists near Shibuya and Harajuku! It's a peaceful place, which receives a lot of visitors during all days of the week... usually at the entrance of the temples there are this big portals, called TORII (鳥居), which represents the limit between the physical world and the spiritual world!
OMOTESANDOU (表参道) is the fashion street of Tokyo! Here you can find all that is more fancy (and expensive) available... it's really cool! The clothes here in Japan are very different... and the people don't worry about being weirdly dressed! They dare with they clothes! And THIS is much fun! I think I'll try to use some of this different clothing soon...
SHINJUKU (新宿) seemed to me like "Downtown" xD
It doesn't have the shine and glamour of Shibuya, but is a really pratical place! There are a lot of important stores and restaurants there!
KAMAKURA (鎌倉) is a coast district of Tokyo, which is famous due to it's shinto shrines... we went to three of them and it was an amazing experience! The photograph posted here is of the Great Budah's shrine, which is one of the most famous of the region!
JINDAI BOTANICAL GARDEN (神代植物園) is a big botanical garden in the Choufu district of Tokyo... the greenhouse there is amazing!! they have a lot of intereting gardens to visit: the Magnolia's garden, the Rose's garden, the Bamboo's garden, the aquatic plant's garden, etc.! It was a great experience to visit there!
So... for now, I think that is enough... another day, I'll try to post more photographs of this places in particular, commenting about my experiences there!
Until there...
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